Sponsor a family in need this holiday season

Jane needed help for the holidays. She’d just bravely escaped an abusive relationship, and she and her four children were healing from the trauma they’d endured. Jane was working full time, but she was also preparing for major surgery, so her finances were stretched thin. Fortunately, Youth Eastside Services (YES) was there to help.

Jane needed help for the holidays. She’d just bravely escaped an abusive relationship, and she and her four children were healing from the trauma they’d endured. Jane was working full time, but she was also preparing for major surgery, so her finances were stretched thin. Fortunately, Youth Eastside Services (YES) was there to help.

Jane’s family participated in YES’s Adopt-a-Family holiday giving program last year, which matches low-income families who are receiving YES’s services to generous sponsors. Sponsors provide gift cards that help participating families afford presents, groceries and basic necessities during the holidays.

Sponsors can sign up through Friday. It’s easy to sponsor a family, and anyone — from businesses to individuals — can sign up:

1. Download and complete the sponsorship form, available on YES’s website (www.youtheastsideservices.org), indicating how many families you’d like to sponsor and the maximum number of children each family should have.

2. Return the completed sponsorship form by Friday:

a. By email to Bob Conroy, BobC@YouthEastsideServices.org

b. By fax to (425) 274-0728, Attn: Bob Conroy

3. You’ll receive a brief, anonymous description of the family with whom you’re matched by early December.

4. Sponsors purchase their gift cards: One $50 gift card for each child in the family to help with holiday gifts, plus one $50 gift card to cover basic household needs like food.

5. Sponsors drop off or mail their gift cards to Youth Eastside Services, 999 164th Ave. N.E., Bellevue, by Dec. 10.