The end is the start of a new beginning | Teen Talk

From the two elementary schools I have been to, two junior highs I have attended and one high school in my life, a mover like me has known that the end is always a start of a new beginning. Yes, it is sad to move on, leave behind what you have known all your life but what lies ahead of you may be your key to success.

Apart of me has always known that you can never succeed staying in one place for too long.

From the two elementary schools I have been to, two junior highs I have attended and one high school in my life, a mover like me has known that the end is always a start of a new beginning. Yes, it is sad to move on, leave behind what you have known all your life but what lies ahead of you may be your key to success.

I look back and remember sophomore year when I took my first steps into Redmond High, turned and tested my locker combination for the first time and learned what it took to share the hallway with 1,500 other high school students. Now three years later, I remember as I returned in fall 2011, I again walked those familiar hallways, opened and closed that same locker for the third year, yet something was just plain different. I knew the surroundings were the same but something in the atmosphere constantly reminded me that the end is near.

As all the other seniors counted down the days to graduation, a part of me just wished time would freeze or slow down. There were so many things I still wanted to do, to accomplish and experience before it would be too late.

I knew no matter how much I wished to stay, graduation day will come and this part of me, this part of my life will have to end. I am not worried how my high school life will soon end but I am afraid to leave.

I was afraid to let go. Before I was bothered with the thought of leaving behind what I love. Now I am no longer worrying about having to leave behind the laughter, dramas and memories, but terrified to face the future.

You might think after moving and attending so many different schools throughout my life, starting a new life in college should be easy. You must think this person, so experienced at being surrounded by new faces, used to having to fit in should have the least to worry about.

No, you are wrong, it just gets harder.

So you seniors out there, I know you are all anxious about leaving. I know how excited you all are to be independent and how eager you all are to start a new beginning at whatever place you have decided to go next year. You still have a few more weeks to make your high school experience last and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Before you leave remember those you love and thank those who have been with you for all these years. Don’t underestimate the world out there, learn to fight, learn to grow and most importantly don’t forget what you are passionate about.

Explore the world and write your own future and your new beginning. Good luck Class of 2012!

Alice Liu will graduate from Redmond High School later this month.