Registration open for Grizzly summer basketball camps

The Bear Creek School basketball program will be offering four summer basketball camps in June for those looking to improve their skills. All camps will take place in the school gymnasium.

For boys entering 2nd-5th grade, their camp will run from June 13-15 from 1-3:30 p.m., boys entering 6th-10th grades will camp June 13-16 from 9 a.m.-noon, and the girls’ camp for grades 6-12 will run June 20-23 from noon-3 p.m.

The program will also be offering an Elite camp for those players with experience in their school program, and will focus on advanced skill-building as well as understanding offensive and defensive strategies. This camp will run from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. from July 18-21.

The cost for the camps is $175 for the Elite camp and $95 for all others.

For more information, contact head coach Scott Moe at To register, visit