Test drive fundraiser nets $3,000 for Redmond High football program

The Redmond High School (RHS) football program came out the big winners after last Saturday's "Test Drive a Ford, support the Mustangs" fundraising event, put on by the RHS Football Booster Club at RHS.

The Redmond High School (RHS) football program came out the big winners after last Saturday’s “Test Drive a Ford, support the Mustangs” fundraising event, put on by the RHS Football Booster Club at RHS.

At the unique fundraiser, Ford Motor Co. brought a wide selection of new cars and trucks to the high school, and offered to donate $20 for every test drive taken during the event, held under rare bright and sunny skies.

In total, 155 vehicles went out for a spin, equaling a $3,100 donation. After expenses, the amount raised was almost exactly $3,000.

“We expect to do this again next year,” said booster club president Lee Klepinger. “The folks at Ford were fantastic with their support of our program.”

According to Klepinger, the money will be prioritized to three specific points in the program.

“First and foremost are scholarships for kids that can’t afford the ($275) pay-for play,” he noted. “Secondly, the money will go towards our (year-round) strength and training program, and third for conditioning equipment for the team.”

Klepinger estimated that 300 people attended the fundraiser in total throughout the day.

In addition, the RHS cheerleading squad operated a concessions stand to help raise funds for their 2010-11 team.