Marymoor noise not a problem | Letter

Marymoor Park is an excellent venue for concerts and movies in the summer, not to mention Cirque du Soleil.

Marymoor Park is an excellent venue for concerts and movies in the summer, not to mention Cirque du Soleil.

In contrast to the rant about the noise in Marymoor Park in the Reporter’s July 18 issue, I say, “No way!” I think the verbiage in that screed was very hyperbolic. I have lived next to Marymoor Park for 36 years and have never had the experiences that are reported. Sure, at the end of a show, music will waft through the air; big deal, nothing that is unbearable. The shows always end promptly at 10 p.m., too. I have had people out on my deck on the event nights and it has never bothered us. As for the movies — come on, there just is no noise from them.  This is ridiculous.

I have been a participant at the meeting about the events at Marymoor and care is taken to keep the decibels in check. Some people will always be extra sensitive and complain. For most of us, this is non-issue and I think the Redmond police have better things to do than take down noise complaints of this nature.

Relax, take a deep breath and enjoy the beautiful summer and let others enjoy a nice evening of music.

Sharon Vatne, Redmond