Turn the volume down at Marymoor | Letter

Noise from Marymoor Park? For decades, we have been provided ear-rattling commentary from the Velodrome. Racing bicycles by intent and design are as silent as possible. During races, the unnecessarily amplified voice of the announcer has echoed around our valley. The uninitiated might have been convinced that something was actually happening there.

Noise from Marymoor Park? For decades, we have been provided ear-rattling commentary from the Velodrome. Racing bicycles by intent and design are as silent as possible. During races, the unnecessarily amplified voice of the announcer has echoed around our valley. The uninitiated might have been convinced that something was actually happening there.

It is pitiful that musicians, and by extension King County officials, don’t recognize quantity has never been substituted for quality. To surrounding residents, frequently, the melody is anemic, the lyrics are unintelligible and these features are accompanied by incessant drumbeat. Simplistic noise has never set a standard for musical artistic endeavor.

I offer a concession. If people wish to listen and cheer, do so. Applause is happy noise. But, everyone in the audience would be able to enjoy at one third the current volume.

My point. Never inflict the racket generated at the park on unappreciative surrounding residents.

John T. Holmgren, Redmond