School secretaries need to stop complaining

I’ve heard more than enough complaining from the Lake Washington Educational Support Personnel (LWESP) folks about how hard they supposedly have it. These are people working jobs that require nothing more than a high school diploma. They earn $28,000-$31,000 for working part of the year. They receive many benefits, like health insurance, the entire year. They get paid national holidays, vacation days and sick days — the latter of which they have the gall to abuse.

These people seem to think that just showing up for their job each day is “going the extra mile.” They are long overdue for a reality check.

Here are some things to think about:

• You’re SECRETARIES. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but ordering supplies and answering the phone are not skilled tasks.

• No job guarantees the “living wage” that you keep demanding to receive. You chose to live in an area with a high cost of living, so deal with it. I challenge you to look at private sector secretarial job listings for our area and find something better. If you can, please apply. Taking benefits into account, I think you’re already overpaid for the job you’re doing.

• The unemployment rate in Washington is over nine percent. I’m sure a lot of our unemployed neighbors have high school diplomas, can answer a phone, and would gladly show up for work when asked. Please keep that in mind during your next negotiation session.

Frankly, I am sick and tired of the LWESP union.

What began as an honest effort to protect workers’ rights has devolved into an out-of-control sense of self-entitlement. Your petulant work stoppage in the guise of a sick day was the final nail in your coffin as far as many taxpayers like myself are concerned.

I would applaud loudly if the Lake Washington School District (LWSD) told every single one of you to pack up your things and not come back.

Phil Hutchinson, Redmond