Tiger deserves some compassion, not disdain

Some things just really get under my skin … and celebrity gossip is one of them.

It’s everywhere, on reputable magazines in the grocery store check-out line to radio spots and Web site links.

The recent scandal that surfaced involving Tiger Woods was disheartening, don’t get me wrong, but does it warrant the public to pick his personal life apart?

I make mistakes and sins everyday, but they’re not front page news because of my non-celebrity status. But public figures are held to a higher standard, one would say, and I partially agree with that.

Golfing dads are not the only ones who’ve admired Tiger’s skill and passion for the game, but teenage boys and girls who aspire for great success in golf and beyond.

Tiger has and will undoubtedly face more consequences for his actions. Should we add more to his mess with our overbearing coverage of the story and self-righteous remarks?

Perhaps instead we ought to take stock of our own personal lives. What are we doing in the middle of the night? How are our marriages faring? Who are we when no one’s looking?

Then, perhaps the next time we’re in the grocery aisle and see the latest celebrity scandal, we’ll respond with compassion instead of disdain.

Lindsay Anderson, Redmond